IT Maturity Assessment
“Maturity: Measured on a scale ranging from 1 (Low) to 5 (High), maturity measures how advanced an organization’s development is in a functional activity relative to Gartner’s best practice research. Maturity scores are refined with a (+) or (-) to indicate intermediate levels of maturity. The set of activities as mapped here is subject to change.” Gartner


Information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) converge

Operational technology is 100% analogue and completely separated from emerging information technology
Compute technology arrives at industrial operations (PLC, DCS, PC). However, still highly separated
IP technology arrives to industrial controls along with network connectivity driving further integration between IT and OT
Sensor prices decrease and IoT prevalence increases exponentially in operational technology. Cyber risks increase
Convergence of operational technology and information technology to ‘Technology